How AdWords Conversion Tracking Can Accelerate Your Cycle Marketing Efforts

by sarah on Saturday, 6th January 2018

Competition these days is fierce no matter what industry you’re in. Having the right marketing strategy for your business is an essential part of achieving success and is one that should not be taken lightly. As well as giving you the opportunity to showcase your product or service, marketing gives companies the chance to secure a connection with their intended audience and start to build rapport. People like to buy from people. It’s as simple as that. The sooner they feel able to relate to companies and feel that they can trust them, the sooner they’ll become lifelong customers.

It’s much harder to win customers over these days with just word of mouth as there’s so much choice available now. Even in marketing, there is so much choice in how to promote your products or services than there was 30 years ago. While TV commercials, magazine/newspaper ads, and radio were the main way for businesses to advertise back then, times have changed. Now there’s a whole range of digital tools to add to that list that are proving to be far more effective than any previous methods employed. One of those tools is AdWords conversion tracking cod

An AdWords conversion tracking code is essentially a way for you to monitor what happens once a customer has clicked on one of your ads. It will let you know if they decided to complete a purchase afterwards, downloaded an app or signed up for a newsletter that you may be offering. Businesses can set their own parameters as to what counts as a conversion too. Whether it’s a download, a sale or signing up for a newsletter that you want to count as a conversion the conversion tracker can do that for you. Once you’ve figured that out, you can have AdWords conversion tracking up and running alongside your marketing campaign.

Conversion tracking is a great way for businesses to see which areas of their marketing campaign is working and which areas need a little work. However, a recent AdWord’s report revealed that less than 60 per cent of AdWord account holders use conversion tracking for analytics. These companies really don’t know what they’re missing out on! The most effective marketing campaigns are those that are constantly being monitored and adapted depending on what it is your audience are after. Knowing at what rate you’re converting business is essential if you want to improve it. AdWords conversion tracking tool will give you that valuable information. At the same time, it will help accelerate your cycle marketing efforts tenfold as an AdWord account holder. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of conversion tracking:

  1. Use specific cycling-related keywords. Specific keywords produce far better results than general keywords when it comes to conversion rates. This is because when people are shopping for an item most of them already know the specific model they’re looking for. For example, using trail bike as a keyword will produce a far lower conversion rate than using Juliana Furtado trail bike. On the other hand, anything too specific and you risk people missing it all together. So, just take care as there is a fine balance that needs to be found when it comes to your keywords for them to be most effective.
  2. Make sure your ads show prices of what’s on offer. One of the things above most that attracts a customer to a company is their prices. People want to know that they’re going to get a good deal when coming to see you. If you show them the prices of some of the more popular cycles you have available, you’re almost guaranteed to see a rise in traffic coming through your website. If potential customers don’t like the price they see, then they won’t click and you’ll save money on the cost of the click anyway.
  3. Learn to love the search terms report. This is one of the most valuable of all the tools available on AdWords. Not only will it tell you exactly how well each keyword is performing, but it will also show you what words your customers were searching for in the first place when they came across your ad. After careful analysis of the report you can determine which keywords are most effective and which to consider changing. In doing this, you can then target the correct audience. When it comes to cycling that can pretty much apply to everyone. However, if you’ve got a special promotion for a particular model of either adult or child’s cycles one month, then you should alter your keywords to match.
  4. Using time and location settings. Many people forget to use these setting when using AdWords conversion tracker and they’re missing out. If you have a local cycle business and want to draw people into the shop, there’s no point advertising to people that are 500 miles away. Similarly, time is also very important here. To ensure you have the right time setting, you need to think about when your target audience is most likely to search for your cycling products. When using AdWords conversion tracking, as time passes, data will be gathered and a proper analysis can be made. If you find that not many people are clicking on the ad during the week, you know to point your marketing efforts more towards the weekend when clicks are much higher.

Once you get familiar with the AdWords conversion tracker, you will see just how useful it is and will be wondering how on earth you managed to survive this long without it. Many cycle businesses use this tool to increase awareness, boost sales, and eventually gain loyal customers. It doesn’t take too long to implement or get used to and will give you inside knowledge as to how to increase your sales, direct from the consumers themselves.

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